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Smog Mike《霾哥來了》

2017|Stop Motion|Color|7m15s

"Smog Mike" is a stop motion short film. The story is based on Puli, Taiwan. It expresses the feeling of people when they are attacked by the smog. Furthermore, the film tries to encourage everybody to make an effort to clean the air.

"Smog Mike" is a crowdfunded film. From November 2016 to March 2017, We received the funds from more than 120 people around Taiwan.



2017 AnimEDU Taiwan International Film Festival for Kids and Youth Jury Special Mention

​2017 台南國際兒童影展 評審團特別獎

Director: Ho-Ting Wei|導演:魏閤廷

Art Director: Yu‐Jie Wu|美術:吳豫潔

Animation: Yu‐Jie Wu, Ho-Ting Wei|動畫:吳豫潔,魏閤廷

Props Assistant: Ying-Tzu Chou|道具協力:周盈孜

Post Production Assistant: Shih-hung Chien|後製協力:簡士閎

Photo Credit: Ming-Hao Liu|埔里照片提供:劉明浩

Voice 配音


Boy: Wei-Chih, Yu|男孩:游崴至

Girl: Shao-Wei Tang|女孩:湯韶葳

Broadcast: Li-Ya Chang|廣播:張力亞

Sound Production: Meow Talk Music|聲音製作:貓說音樂

Sound: Choa-Yung Sung|音效:宋兆永

Music: Choa-Yung Sung, Ying-Chih Chen|音樂:宋兆永,陳映芝

Production: Clean Air Puli|監製:埔里PM2.5空污減量自救會

Executive|製作協力: 國立暨南國際大學水沙連人文創新與社會實踐研究中心、Good Alley山里好巷

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