Burnt Sun X Projections of Time-Light
2019 政大駐校展覽|與駐校剪紙藝術家 Tim Budden 共同創作| 展出於政大藝文中心4F|Video Installation|Color|3m 40s Loop
政大駐校展覽計畫【紙的第四人稱】,促成此次跨媒材的藝術合作。由Tim Budden創作的大型剪紙作品《炙陽》為出發,結合魏閤廷的多媒體影像《時光投影》,於政大藝文中心的入口處展出。《炙陽》這組作品挪用了中國傳統窗花的意象與功用,加入火燒手法象徵生命的轉化,以懸掛的方式聳立於空中,讓觀者可從不同距離、角度感受紙的質感與觀看當下的光影變化。
The 19th NCCU Artists-in-Residence Program “The Fourth Person of Paper” facilitated the art collaboration between "Burnt Sun", a large-scale paper-cut work by Tim Budden and a companion multimedia installation "Projections of Time-Light" by Ho-Ting Wei. The works were exhibited together at the NCCU Art & Cultural Center.
"Burnt Sun" utilized the Chinese latticework design from traditional wooden windows and screens and used the burning method to symbolize the transformation of life. The artwork hanged in the air for display, which allowed viewers to observe the texture of the paper as well as the changes of light and shadow from different distances and angles.
〈火〉Solaris Ignis / Fire Sun
〈水〉Aquae Vitae / Water of Life
“Projections of Time-Light” is a multimedia circular projection on a paper-cut work measuring four-by-four meters. The projections into the cut-out paper disperse the light as different element segments move across. The colorful shadow also helps create a three-dimensional space.
The project found its first conception in the use of fire as a key element in “Burnt Sun”. The video focused on the four basic elements (Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind) to produce images with distinctive colors, patterns, movements, and timing to suggest – through the repeated appearance and disappearance of images as light and shadow follow one another – the eternal interconnectedness between life and death in nature.
影片授權提供 Video Credit:Tim Budden
〈風〉 Ventus / Wind